Hands That Feed is a documentary film exploring the agricultural collapse in Haiti, its role in the post-earthquake food crisis, and the emerging grassroots development models that seek to restore Haiti's food supply and environment.
If you'd like to understand how your donation will make an impact, here's what the film's Producer has to say:
Why? Because the future of Haiti is still to-be-determined, and billions of dollars of promised funds are yet to be allocated. YOU can decide how that money is used. Hands That Feed is a leveraged investment in using media to influence the course of the massive, tax-funded international aid industry toward sustainable agriculture, self-reliance, and ecologically sound rural development.
More Why? Remember in 2007, when food prices spiked, and there were 60 demonstrations and riots around the world, and one government fell? We are heading into a very unstable global situation as the population rockets toward 9 billion, urban centers mushroom, and regional food systems collapse. This is a simple assessment of the facts. Haiti was an extreme test-case of these failures right in our backyard. We need to learn now how to do things better, or else, like it or not, we'll be watching the same footage on repeat as we spend billions to prop up more and more failed states.
Thank you,
"It was a mistake. I have to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti. The country has the best chance in my lifetime to achieve this objective: to build a modern self-sustaining state. But what it means is that we have to think about our roles in a different way, and how we will play them in this reconstruction process.”
- Bill Clinton testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10, 2010.
- Bill Clinton testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10, 2010.